Frequently Asked Questions

I own a lot in Lorneville Cemetery – what is the process for making an interment?
Advise your funeral director and they will advise you who to contact at Lorneville
Seaview Cemeteries Inc. (LSCI) and/or make the contacts with a member of the LSCI Board of Directors. LSCI will have the grave lot marked in the Cemetery. No
burials may be made without the knowledge of LSCI and involvement of a member of
the Board of Directors in marking the burial location.
Who is responsible to open and close the grave?
The family of the deceased is responsible to pay the costs for opening and closing a grave. For full casket burials, a local contractor familiar with the grounds and procedures at LSCI will be engaged to do the grave opening and closing at their standard charge.
How many “burials” can be made in a single standard grave plot?
Four – One full burial, plus three cremation burials.
What continuing obligations, if any, are there for maintenance and upkeep of the grave lots and grounds of Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries?
Plot owners and families of those interred in the cemeteries are responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of memorial stones and monuments, and also to contribute funds for maintenance of their plots and common areas of the cemeteries.
What is the responsibility of Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries Inc. for maintenance and upkeep of grave lots and grounds at Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries?
Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries Inc. is a non-profit charity formed to raise funds, and, subject to available funding, to operate, maintain, and preserve the community cemetery grounds of Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries for the benefit of the community of Lorneville and its residents, past, present and future.
What about “perpetual care” at Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries?
Perpetual care is not guaranteed as there are not sufficient funds invested or available for investment to cover future annual maintenance requirements. Annual returns on investments are minimal, and account for only a small fraction of annual costs to maintain the cemetery grounds Current grave plot prices are not enough for “perpetual care”.
Where do the resources for maintenance and preservation of the Cemeteries come from?
a) Funds for annual maintenance are raised primarily through charitable donations made by individuals via an annual mailing campaign, and also by memorial donations at Funeral Homes., These typically do not cover the full costs of maintenance and the difference has been covered by summer student government grant programs.
b) Larger capital improvement projects are supported by targeted fund raising and corporate donations.
What is the average annual cost per standard grave plot to maintain the burial grounds?
Are there any rules concerning size and placement of memorial stones and monuments?
Yes. General Rules and Regulations have been adopted by LSCI which cover memorial stones and monuments among other things. Please note they are available for perusal on this website. Generally speaking no stone or base can be wider than the width of the grave plot in question, and the location must be approved and marked by LSCI. Families are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the location for a stone monument and ensure that the size of the monument is appropriate to the lot width and the engraving they require matches with the burial locations. (i.e. that the stone faces in the right direction and that burial information is in accordance with the persons interred).
Are winter burials allowed?
No. Burials are not permitted between December and May.
How can i contribute to the on-going maintenance and upkeep of the cemeteries?
Tax deductible donations may be made to Lorneville and Seaview Cemeteries Inc. by credit card via this website; through PayPal (a secure service); by cheque or money order sent via post to our mailing address; by e-transfer to our email address; and/or by Memorial Cards placed at local Funeral Homes in memory of departed loved ones.