April 17, 2023
On behalf of the Board of Directors, greetings and welcome to the 2023 Annual Meeting.
The big accomplishment in 2022 was installation and dedication of a Memorial Monument to Lorneville Veterans and Fishermen. The design, foundation work, and patio area for the project was undertaken and completed in 2021. The monument itself was commissioned to SMET Monuments of St. Stephen NB and consists of a three panel centerpiece and two memorial benches. Final costs of the project totaled just about $50,000 over the last two years. The good news is that funds to cover all of these costs have been raised by a targeted fundraising campaign without need to use cemetery maintenance funds. The monument was dedicated in a well attended ceremony held on a beautiful sunny Saturday, June 11, 2022. Special thanks to Philip McCavour for his leadership on the project.
Applications to NB SEED and Canada Jobs for a summer job grant in 2022 were approved again but we could not attract eligible candidates to begin work in May. Consequently all of the spring prep work and grounds maintenance was done by volunteers, as well as the planning work for the Monument Dedication. We were successful in hiring a local high school student to do grounds maintenance for July and August on an 8 week Canada Jobs grant. There were fifteen burials in 2022 and five new stone monuments were placed in the burial grounds.
Our financial statements for last year and again this year would be quite different from the norm, mainly because of the Memorial Monument. With this in mind Daryl Wilson has prepared a separate financial report on the Memorial Monument Project in addition to the year–end financial statements for 2022. Both are in this meeting package.
Many thanks go to our Board of Directors for their efforts again last year on cemetery projects and business – Cyril Galbraith, Faye Galbraith, Brenda Kingston, John Maguire, Philip McCavour, Melvin Wilson and to our auditors and volunteers Gwen Maguire, Marlene MacAfee, Jeff Maguire, Daryl Wilson, Judith McCavour, and Kristy Wilson. Thank also to Tabufile, Maguire Excavating, and Ready Rentals for their in–kind support.
Yours Truly
Shayne Galbraith
President. Lorneville & Seaview Cemeteries Inc.